Jan 31, 2012

What Does 'Very Soon' REALLY Mean?

In the post just above this one, I use the phrase "very soon". The phrase "coming soon" also shows up on this website. But what does that REALLY mean?

Well, here at Rent This Deck, we believe in transparency and erring on the side of OVER-explaining, rather than complete silence. That's why I want to let you know as much about the amorphous time range "soon" as I can. Now, of course, if I actually KNEW the day we'll be ready, I'd tell you! I don't. Here's what I do know:

 - We might be ready as quickly as around Feb 7th.
 - We hope and intend to be ready by the end of Feb, if not much sooner.
 - The more people that join the mailing list, leave comments, and/or PM RentThisDeck on MTGO, the more incentive we will have to put in more hours on this, and get it done faster. TRANSLATION: Join the mailing list, and invite your friends to do the same!
 - If almost no one expresses interest, and/or we run into other major obstacles, we may not make the Feb deadline. If that looks likely to happen, we will give plenty of forewarning to anyone on the mailing list.

Hope that helps clear that up!

 - Robert Hatch
Founder, RentThisDeck
MTGO username: RentThisDeck

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